Saturday, 28 February 2009

Sweet dreams

Oscar back in the land of nod on grandma.

Happy little man

Oscar just loves bouncing up and down on grandma's knees! Big smile from the little fella here before a 20 minute parping session.

What are you looking at?

Oscar likes grandad Gerald's impression of him staring into space. Oscar is cute when he does it though!


Oscar and grandad Gerald are truly stunned at something - they can hardly believe their eyes!

Who said that?

Oscar is not impressed at being blindfolded on the way to see grandma and grandad.


Oscar has a good look around while getting a top up from mum. Eating for England today! Last night, mum and dad had their first night out together since Oscar. Autie Kay took care of Oscar while dad got drunk. 8 week old boy + hangover = pain.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

The special one

Nappy free time

Dad finally manages a few solid hours of good play time with Oscar in the morning while mum sleeps. Change, bath, singing, playing, oh what fun. Plus peeing and puking on dad to keep him on his toes. Oscar loves the mornings, he is so alert. He loves nappy free time too, and he skillfully signals when he has had enough of that by peeing on dad! Here he is entertaining dad with cute smiles.


Oscar just loves his toy. He is mesmerised by the flashy lights and cheesy tunes. He used to sit there oblivious, now he pays real attention to the distraction and seems to love it. Or, he is wondering how it is wired up internally.....

Bye bye fat suit

Oscar smiles in the knowledge that he has now outgrown the bear suit and this probably the last time he'll get to wear it.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009


Scarface Oscar shows off his knuckles. Good fist there my son. Dad really had to try very hard to resist the temptation to tattoo H.A.T.E. using photoshop. When he's like this, it is SO hard for dad to go to work when he'd much rather stay at home and play.

Wide awake!

Oscar having his moment of ultra alertness this morning. He was smiling away like a nutter for ages and waving his fists. Meanwhile, mum catches up on some much needed sleep.

Monday, 23 February 2009

Winding time

Oscar looks interested in something random. Not for the first time.

Full up

Oscar, full of milk. He went to see the nurse today, and thankfully no injections or anything are needed, twas just a flesh wound. Dad thinks that maybe he won't stop Oscar pulling Tess's tail when he is a bit older - as least not the first couple of times - payback time :)


Oscar in a moment of calm after all the excitement. In her excitement to get out of the car and go and play ball, Tess leaps over Oscar out of the open door, standing on Oscar in the process, much to the dismay(!) of mum and dad. Blood everywhere, tears and a few calls to NHS direct later and we are left with a cute little boy who now looks well hard in his hoody. Off to the doctor's today to see if he needs a jab. Welcome to parenthood?

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Uncle Matt

Matt takes a grumpy Oscar and within seconds gets him asleep. That, is called "the knack!".

Grandma time

Don't know what grandma will do when there's three ;)

Mini bono

Oscar does his best to look cool in girly glasses.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Sleepy time

Mum and Oscar have some quality cuddle sleep time.

Big bed

Oscar feels a little lost in mum's bed.

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Dumb, dumber, Laura and Oscar :)

Poor Oscar looks worried that the Haynes seems to have regressed to childhood.

Hoody man

Oscar seems pleased to hear that wearing a hoody makes him look a bit scary.....

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Glug glug......

Oscar gets weighed. A whopping 12lb10oz!! He is not wasting any time piling on the pounds, which explains why he is now demanding the larger bottles of milk between feeds as a "snack!". Here he is looking all dreamy eyed while wolfing down another load of milk!

Monday, 16 February 2009


Oscar senses that dad is deliberately chosing that bib when the camera is out. And all that after Oscar behaves brilliantly during his first night in his own bedroom, giving mum and dad a good five hours of solid sleep. Mum and dad really hope this is a sign of things to come!

Sunday, 15 February 2009


Oscar reacts surprised to the news that tonight he will be spending his first night alone in his new room and new cotbed! Lets hope he doesn't work out what the baby monitor does.


Oscar wishes his mum had a slightly smaller chin!

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Friday, 13 February 2009

Pimp my car seat

Oscar seems to really like his chav-ed up car seat strap covers!

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Cheeky smile

Big smiles from the cute guy.

You want some?

Oscar - scarface - Price gets mental and offers a punch!

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

And relax.....

Oscar having a relaxing snooze......

Surely that can't be comfortable!

Oscar finds a new position to fall asleep. I can't believe that is comfortable - we tried every position to get him asleep and this one worked!


Oscar tries to hit the top note while singing Angels!

Monday, 9 February 2009


Oscar and mum try their best to smile.

Big smiles

Just there!

Oscar loves a tummy rub from aunty Kay.

More hugs

Mother pucker

Oscar gets some tips in puckering up from aunty Kay.

Oscar enjoys Kay's chat

Oscar is just loving the girl talk.

Mummy too and Oscar

Oscar has his first hug from Great Grandma Mummy Too

Sunday, 8 February 2009


Oscar wearing his favourite hoody and trying his best to look bovverd!

Saturday, 7 February 2009

You're cute....


Oscar has a shout.

Hide and seek

Oscar is losing really badly at hide and seek with Ali.

Not again

Oscar despairs at his dad's last attempt to make him say dad before mum.....

Friday, 6 February 2009


Something up?


Oscar tries to prove he could be a cover model for cotton wool packets....


Oscar can't really be bothered being bathed or changed, he'd much rather just sleep. But the smell of stale sick is making dad gag, so a nice bath it is :)

Hugs with mum

Oscar has a nap after yet another feed from mum.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Time for a breather

Oscar takes a moment to compose himself before mum gives up and takes it off!