Saturday, 28 March 2009

And......he's out of the room......

Oscar finally chills out for the evening......

Oh my god!

Oscar looks shocked that Auntie Donna bought a round!

Oscar and his monkey

Quote from mum - "Oscar loves hitting his monkey". Dad and Oscar just smile knowingly ;) He looks quite suspicious of his monkey here....

Gym time

Auntie Donna with Oscar in his play gym. He was SO alert this morning - we dumped him on Donna while we enjoyed a peaceful cup of tea in bed. Donna went from professional manager to baby talking teletubby in the space of seconds.....amazing what a cute boy can do!

Skinny man

Oscar does his Adonis pose.... Here he is looking gorgeous with Suze. This is going to be one of those we show to his prospective girlfriends in the future. Maybe we should "blame it on the booby".


Oscar gets a big cuddle from Auntie Suze.

Yay! TV.

Oscar really seems to like TV. Well, he like bright lights and noisy things....just like dad :) Mum seems quite engrossed considering she doesn't want a TV!

And you are?

Oscar casts a knowing look to dad.... "Are you going to put that camera down and do something productive. Hmm...? Are you? I'm too busy getting hugs to pose for you, okay dad?"

Now concentrate

Oscar is definitely going to be one of those people that pulls his tongue out while concentrating on things. This is quite safe when you have no teeth. Amazing neck strength considering he has inherited mum and dad's huge heeeeeed.

What the?

Oscar spends a long weekend down with the Aunties in Horsham. Here he is on Autie Donna - not sure if that is a yawn or sneeze....

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Grandad time

Oscar and Harry enjoy a rare treat - to be given simultaneous hugs from Grandad Hamilton :) Oscar loves his days out with the Hamiltons down at "Mummy Too's". Oscar is obviously rather perplexed at Harry's "Paul McKenna" style hand gestures....

Tuesday, 24 March 2009


When dad gets home from work he finds mum and Oscar in pretty much the same state as when he left for work. Oscar looks very comfortable.....can't blame him!

Monday, 23 March 2009


Oscar looking.....well, cute.

Be prepared

Oscar and dad having fun after Oscar's feed. What you can't quite tell in this photo is that dad has the muslin tucked under his chin too, the idea being to protect us both in the likely event of a full on hurl! Thankfully, today Oscar is a little less projectile......

Sunday, 22 March 2009

5-0!? Amazing

Oscar looks on amazed that not only did ManUre and Chel$ki lose, but LFC manage to follow it up with a 5-0 thumping of Villa. Oscar can't believe that it was only Stevie G's first Premiership hat-trick...... Apart from the Wales result, a fantastic weekend all round......

Mother's day morning

Oscar is very well behaved on Mother's day. You can see in the background the card that dad and Oscar made for mum. Oscar is very lucky to have such an amazing mum!

You know what I mean 'arry

Swimmer's arse

Just trying on his swimming trunks to make sure they fit. Spin him over....err...not quite :)

Actually they fit fine when dad does it right. We took him swimming - dad taking him into the big boys changing room. But dad did the wrong thing by having a quick shower before the swim. The first little splash of water that bounces of dad's head onto Oscar and the screaming begins. So, when we get to the pool its too late - Oscar has already decided he wants to cry the house down - which, in a pool, is amazingly louder than normal. He attracts lots of attention, and after a while when he is clearly getting bored/cold, but is relatively happy, we take him out and get him dressed. Not a raging success, but it could have been a lot worse! At least he got dad by peeing in his first pair of trunks - good job we took two!

Bath time

Just to make sure he is nice and clean, and to be sure he really likes the water, we give him a quick bath before taking him swimming. Sure enough, he is kicking and splashing and loving every minute of it. Here he is with his cheeky smile while getting a wash from mum.

Pulling tongues

Oscar having fun in his play gym with mum and dad. Oddly, he has started sticking his tongue out a lot recently, don't know why! He's also learning to turn himself on to his side. Before we know it, we won't be able to put him to sleep on his back without worrying about him turning over in the night - perhaps a straight jacket of some kind is in order. This was taken just before we went out for the first swimming session.

Sleepy man

Oscar looking very peaceful. Full of food and enjoying a snooze.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Bumbo fun #3

Properly loving it now!! Though dad is a bit jealous because they look like fun!

Bumbo fun #2

Oscar starts to enjoy it and seems to be getting the hang of it.

Bumbo fun #1

Oscar now has enough strength in the neck to have a go in the bumbo for the first time. Guess we'll have to make the most of it because at this rate he'll have outgrown it in a few more weeks! Need to get a drinks holder installed for him.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009


Not sure if Oscar or George really wanted this photo taking! Oscar sure seems unimpressed :)

Galaxy fun

Here he is on his first day out in the new MPV. Dad is a bit dissapointed to see the Lotus go, but is looking forward to all the fun days he's going to have in the Galaxy with the family!


Bath time smiles

Couple more photos of Oscar loving bath time. Oscar peed all over his own face this morning, which was quite funny, but still made dad feel guilty for not noticing!

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Bath time video

Bath time for Oscar this morning. He absolutely loves having a bath and more recently he has really starting having lots of fun, splashing like mad and waving his arms and legs around. Here he is with mum in the bath having a splashing-moment!

Friday, 13 March 2009

Schoolgirl error

Mum took the camera today to make up for yesterday and get loads of photos of Oscar for the blog. I got a few of him in his new car seat and Laura took loads too. However, she then managed to leave the camera at Elpie's! So no photos today either :(

Dad hopes (kinda) to sell the Lotus this weekend and we are hosting the Thurminators and Bannisters for dinner tomorrow night. Better make sure the photos are up before the wine comes out!

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Wot no photo

No photos today..... Dad was working late tonight, his work is keeping him away from Oscar far too much (boooooo). Mum was so excited about her new (to her) car, that she forogt to get a pic of Oscar in his first ride in the bus :) We got it serviced and taxed today and all is well, so now off to the open roads in our family mobile. In fact, we can't wait for our first trip in it now, maybe camping soon! Maybe in a few more weeks when it warms up a bit.

Oscar is growing so fast. He is really interacting much more nowadays, is starting to laugh as well as smile and is actually quite ticklish. He still cries when dad is "being loud", but he seems to calm down when dad tells him to "man the **** up" ;)

So, hopefully some photo updates tomorrow!

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Hoody time

Oscar lying around on the floor just chillin. Oscar is clearly very excited about mum and dad's new MPV. He is dissapointed that dad now needs to get rid of the Lotus, but thinks the new minibus will mean more toys when we go on holiday!


Oscar looking cute in his new clothes. He is now well and truly out of his early clothes now that he weighs over a stone!

Sunday, 8 March 2009

And rest....

Mum and Oscar are both knackered after a long weekend. Both get a well deserved sleep while dad is snap happy.

Give us a hug

Oscar looking as cute as ever. This was the last we saw of him looking awake! He went to visit Lisa (,Mark and the girls) and just slept! Thankfully though, he kept this going all the way home. 5 hours after his last feed and still no whinging. He didn't cry in the car once all weekend - how lucky are we!

Happy time

Oscar enjoys some nappy free time this morning. As ususal with a huge grin on his face, just before he pees all over the place.

Manure again

Oscar looks disgusted as Stuart continues the attempts at indoctrination by singing songs about Ronaldo. Oscar in the next ten minutes unleashes his fury by projectile vomiting on poor Stu 3 times! Sorry Stu :)

Vic and Oscar

Oscar finds something else "quite interesting" while getting a hug from (the rather hungover) Victoria!

Oscar and the ladies....

Oscar is just loving the continued attention of the young ladies. Good lad!!

Laugh out loud

In fact, Laura still finds Carol's story very funny. Ben on the other hand is looking a little sheepish. Oscar, as always, is totally non-plussed!


Oscar pulls a very strange face while getting a hug from his wonderful great-auntie Carol. Meanwhile, everyone (especially Kirsty and Laura) is delighted to hear tales of Ben and Adam's addiction to the breast when they were small :) Some things never change!


Oscar looks petrified to meet Tina at last :)


Dad and Oscar pose for mum....badly....


Oscar doesn't even need the guidance of his dad to realise that watching ManureNited is rubbish. Despite grandad's best efforts, Oscar stays true to his club Liverpool ;)


Osacr was brilliant on the way to Wales. We were both really worried that he would be grizzling all the way there, but the little guy was good as gold and didn't make a sound until we were about a minute away from home. We are trying to make the most of it until he can talk and repeatedly ask "are we nearly there yet!".


Stacie has her hands full with Megan and Oscar, both trying hard to look cute. And to think Stacie wants more ;)

Three generations....

Oscar and Great-Grandma under the watchful eye of grandma Price in the background....

Group hug

Nan cops a hug from Megan, who is looking adoringly at little Oscar, who doesn't quite know what to make of it!

Great gran and Megan

Sorry we haven't updated for a while, but we have been up to North Wales to see the family. Here is the gorgeous Megan and Great Grandma Molly and Oscar in a moment of calm.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Dr. Evil

Mini me, on top of the world, with his evil cat sidekick....


Not really sure what happened here. Probably trying to wash his face, but he looks like dad's hands smell of fish!

Whoa dad, that's not cool!

Oscar loves being bathed by dad. He loved it so much he started peeing on dad just after this. To be fair, this photo is just prime caption material though!

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Precious sleep

Dad takes Oscar upstairs for bathtime, but he is SO sleepy (Oscar) that dad tries to get a quick nap before putting Oscar down for a proper sleep. He will be awake soon enough and ready for dunking. Oscar loves having baths still, though hates getting out. He turns into mr shivers - very cute. Then again, I suppose dad should dry him, rather than leaving him to freeze....