Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Time to move on

Now that Evan is here, it seems a little unfair to have a blog dedicated to just Oscar, so we have decided to stop posting updates to this blog.

Fear not, as we have created a new blog site where you can follow Oscar and Evan as they grow up.  Please update your bookmarks to point to the new blog, http://thefamilyprice.blogspot.com/ and follow us.

Dad is just putting together a load of photos for the new blog, but in the meantime, here is one of Oscar with his new bus - the present he got from "Evan".

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Evan is home

All of a sudden, Oscar looks so grown up.....

Oscar can't believe that Evan needs to get mum to feed him milk! Oscar has now starting going to the fridge to bring dad the bottle of milk so that he can top up his cup. So cute. Except that he doesn't always close the door! Warm beer....ughh.....

Oscar pointing out how to do it right.


Oscar holding on to mum's hair as she winds Evan.

Oscar decides to help out winding Evan.

A soothing head massage from Oscar for his brother.

Evan wearing his favourite bib. This is deja vu big time.

Got his mum's nose ;)

Is that Oscar or Evan? Same suit, same reaction.

Happy dreaming.

Evan and Auntie Donna.

Evan looks like he is trying to evacuate.

Oscar finds it all so tiring.

Evan came home today (28th), so dad has finally found some time to catch up and upload some pictures to the blog. Enjoy!

Also, a massive thanks to everyone who has helped out recently, especially over the last (rather stressful) week. Grandparents, Aunties, Uncles, Friends have all helped out with baby sitting, shopping and emotional support!! Can't wait for you all to spend some time with Evan and Oscar.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Oscar meets the competition!

Wave your hands in the air like you just don't care!

Oscar checking out the competition

Oscar recognises the mittens as HIS, ALL HIS

Gorgeous :D

Bored now, oh, a toy, excellent.....

Oscar tries to slap Evan's bruise..... actually that's unfair, he was giving Evan a gentle stoke, bless him.

Oscar whispers, hey pal, walk away, I am mummy's boy ;) Actually, this was a picture of Oscar in the throws of giving Evan a kiss - SO CUTE.

Oscar is finally able to go in and see mum and his new brother Evan. Evan is still in the Special Care Baby Unit, but is making good progress.

Sleeping on dad after a feed.

Feeding time in the scbu!

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Oscar and his cousins and THE HAIRCUT

Harry is all smiles, but what is Oscar up to?

What IS Oscar up to :)

What? It wasn't me.

Lucas, looking tough.

Oscar and his mullett. We thought the hair clippers had run out of batteries, so we photographed Oscar with the half job, just for keeps :)

And from the other side.

Oscar is already tired of the whole process.

Clearly unimpressed, but better than a mullett son.

Oscar and his distractor (get it!!)

Dad, make Kay stop......

The close up.

Oh, hang on, this is fun.

Like, really funny.

The moment we pass Oscar the mirror to see his new haircut.

And now time to be a nutter with the fire engine.

Oscar climbs up on the sofa to be with dad as he is sleeping, bless.....

Oscar has a fab weekend with his cousins Harry and Lucas (and of course Kay and Matthew). Starts off with fireworks (though daddy missed it cos he was buying a new car). Next day, Oscar finally gets the haircut we have been promising.